Let There Be Light: Bright Homes Amid the Crisis

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With the onset of the pandemic, everything seems to be getting more gloomy by the second. This does not help our current disposition of feeling anxious and isolated most of the time due to the quarantine setup. Due to this gloominess, it’s time to light up your home for some bright fun.

Keep your home bright and lit up to not only improve your home’s aesthetic appeal but also to enhance your overall mood when you are at home.

Studies say that bright light can help combat symptoms of depression. For those dealing with depression, light therapy might be worth a try. If you are looking for a way to integrate more light into your home, there are ways in which you can do so.

Brightening Up Your Home

It is known that the body produces vitamin D when exposed to the sun for a certain period, so make sure you get enough sunlight every day for a dose of happy hormones. Letting the light into your home can be a matter of a few adjustments in your interior and exterior. Here are some ways to incorporate brightness into your home during these gloomy days.

Although your interior light should be a priority, lighting up your home’s exterior can also uplift your mood simply by the fact that you will be beautifying your home. Your professional landscape maintenance can be complemented with professionally installed lighting. Add more curbside appeal to your home by sprucing up your outdoor lights.

When it comes to your interior lights, windows are your best bet. Curtains might be your most recent “aesthetic,” but you should try to minimize using these curtains for a while to help increase sunlight into your home.

wide mirror

Mirrors are your best friend. When sunlight reflects on a mirror, it casts light on the four walls of a room adding more brightness to a given space. Add as many mirrors as you want in a room to help you with your gloomy slump. Just don’t place too much of it that you end up blinding yourself.

Adding reflective colors in a room also brightens up a given space. Try incorporating shades of white in your walls by repainting them or adding wall decor. You can also get a rug in a light color to help minimize the darkness that most floors contribute to a room.

If you have more budget, you can install a skylight in your ceiling. Let your skylights bring in more consistent light into your home compared to windows. Incorporating these into your home is an effective way of bringing in more natural light.

These are some ways to increase light and decrease gloominess in your home. These are difficult times and it’s understandable if you try to do everything you can to lessen the feelings of sadness and isolation during this quarantine period.

As most of us spend time with family at home, how can we spread the brightness towards each member of the household?

Ingredients of A Happy Household

It’s more important now than ever before to stay connected with family and loved ones whether you are together in a single household or not. If you do live in a single house, good for you. Perhaps the pandemic has been slightly more bearable given this arrangement.

For those who are struggling with keeping their families happy during this time, you are not alone. People have been experiencing cabin fever, anxiety, and depression, and it’s because of the current situation. To combat these feelings of hopelessness, here are ways to keep your family connected and happy amid this pandemic.

When trying to get the family together, you can try to set a routine for family time. This will build a regular habit that may uplift their mood once they start anticipating what happens next for the following family bonding session. You can schedule this in time for dinner or after meals when you can take a break and watch a movie together.

Pick your battles. You can’t always let your anger get the best of you, especially over simple things like chores and room tidiness. Communication is the key to keeping your family happy and understanding.

You can also bond over your family tree with your kids. Let the children learn about their grandparents and even their cousins whom they haven’t met. Allow them to ask questions and answer them as clearly as you can.

There are many ways you can bond with your family during the quarantine period. You just have to be creative and make the effort in getting to know them better to learn what their interests are.

These days have been dark and gloomy for many of us but there are ways to incorporate light back into our lives. It’s important to keep a positive attitude about the current circumstances so that our families don’t get affected by our feelings of despair. Besides, with the recent developments in medicine, it seems that the light at the end of the tunnel is gradually glimmering.

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