Time-tested Tactics to Improve Workplace Communication

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Communication is vital to any business. Whether you’re a team of five or a group of two hundred, you will have to know how to dispense feedback, integrate inputs, build company-wide strategies, and even have fun as part of maintaining your team’s social wellness.

As you scale, communication will gradually be a complicated matter to maneuver. But doesn’t excuse its neglect. Here’s how you can improve your inside interactions:

Focusing on feedback

Make sure to have a feedback system in place. Businesses nowadays invest in 360-degree feedback software, a program that enhances how they gather and process anonymous feedback from all departments. Some still go the traditional path by scheduling monthly appointments with employees to collate feedback. They do this through individual consultations, group dialogues, assessment forms, or other means.

However, even if you implement a feedback system, it’s useless if you can’t give or receive proper feedback. Useful feedback isn’t one that is applied; it’s one that is understood. Thus, context and timeliness are essential. Give (and receive) as much positive feedback as you can, and don’t delay doing it until it’s too late.

Make meetings matter again

So many employees hate attending meetings because not as many people hate holding them. They always seem unnecessary and redundant even when they’re not. There’s a better approach to meetings, whether you’re one of these people or the other.

For now, however, the burden lies to the one calling a meeting. Be clear with your intent, and be concise with your delivery. Disseminate your agenda ahead of time so that attendees know when and where they are expected to contribute. Establish time limits so that you don’t stray from your subject.

If you’re the one attending it, make sure to prepare accordingly. Keep in mind that you are allowed to ask questions, even ones that sound stupid. Meetings aren’t pitches – you are not expected to be perfect. Instead, you are expected to contribute and collaborate based on your function.


Optimize online channels

Office communication can and will extend online. Within which, the dynamics can be a bit different.

From the get-go, you should have a cloud-based communication system that includes your entire team and is streamlined based on department, functions, or purposes. Don’t be afraid to set up channels where your members can feel and speak openly about their thoughts. Make sure, however, that protocols are in place to avoid clutter and maintain decorum.

E-mail etiquette is also useful in organizing work and communication. Be clear with your subject, tags, and attachments. Have a complete introduction, body with context, expected response, and salutations. Also, learn how to set BCC recipients if you’re sending a company-wide message!

Defining the company culture

Much of how employees view their freedom is based on company culture. How open is your office to banters? Does your workspace seem strict, or does it seem lax?

Sometimes, the physical space can be a factor. If your office is obsessed with partitions and efficiency, then it might leave little room for small talks and coffee break conversations. This is where open offices excel. Since people can move around freely, they engage in more conversations, thereby improving workplace dynamics.

What your team does beyond business hours also influences this. Do you often go to out-of-town trips? Do special events seem forced, or are they genuinely enjoyable?

Don’t oblige employees to interact. Instead, remind them about the boundaries of respectful and dignified conversations and let them figure it out themselves.

Success comes from a well-oiled machine of devoted team members. Once they open up through better communication and appraisal, they are only bound to deliver successful results for your business.

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