The First Things You Need To Do After Purchasing an Old Home

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  • Familiarize yourself with the neighborhood and understand the specific rules of your new community.
  • Ensure security by replacing old locks and hiring a contractor to inspect for structural damage.
  • Hire pest control services to protect your home from potential infestations of harmful pests.
  • Create a maintenance checklist to systematically carry out regular home repairs, cleaning, landscaping, and inspections.

Congratulations on purchasing your new home! Whether it’s your first home or you’re moving, an old house has plenty of challenges. This blog will discuss the first things you need to do after purchasing an old home. Not everything needs to be done at once, but prioritizing these things will help you avoid headaches down the line.

Get to know the neighborhood.

The first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the neighborhood. Get to know the community by introducing yourself to your neighbors, joining a community group, or attending a local event.

It will help you understand the lifestyle and gain insights into potential issues like noise pollution. You may also research the community associations and their bylaws to understand regulations and any restrictions or requirements. You can even check the local police station to find out about any crime reports.

Know what you’re buying.

Before you even buy the house, ensure you clearly understand what’s included in the sale. Talk to your real estate agent or lawyer if any items aren’t specified in the contract, and ask for clarification. You should also be aware of any zoning laws or local regulations that may affect your use of the property. This will help you plan for and manage potential issues that could arise in the future.

Replace the old locks.


It is wise to replace all the locks in the home, including the garage doors and windows. You do not know if the previous owners gave the keys to anyone else, so it’s essential to ensure that only you can access your new home. This security measure grants you peace of mind and keeps your belongings safe. You can even change the locks in all your exterior doors to keyless systems for added security.

Check for structural damage and safety hazards.

Hire a contractor or inspector to assess the home for any structural damage or safety hazards, such as water damage, electrical issues, or roof damage, that could be detrimental to your health or the safety of your home. Identify any problems early on so you can resolve them quickly and not let them escalate into more significant issues.

For example, if you find that your home’s roof needs repairs, you can call a roofing contractor to inspect and repair the damage. They can even install a new roof if necessary. Choose quality roofing materials if you decide to replace the roof. A sturdy metal roof will last for years and can help you save money on energy bills. Metal roofs also come in a variety of colors and styles that can add beauty to your home. Just make sure your roofing contractor is an expert on metal roofs to ensure they get the job done properly.

Hire pest control services.

Many old homes harbor pests like termites and rodents, which are hazardous to your health and can cause extensive damage to your home. Hire a pest control expert to inspect your home and exterminate any infestations before they can spread further. You may need to have regular visits to ensure that pests don’t come back.

Create a maintenance checklist.


Creating a maintenance checklist for your new home can help you stay organized and identify items that need regular attention. The list should cover the following four things:

Repairs and maintenance

Repairs and maintenance should be done regularly to keep your home in good condition. This includes checking for things like leaking pipes, sagging gutters, and deteriorating paint.


Your home should also be cleaned routinely to remove dust and dirt buildup. Vacuum carpets, mop floors, and wipe down surfaces for a safe and clean living environment.


Create a landscape plan for lawn care and gardening. Plant trees and shrubs, mow the lawn, and weed flower beds. This will help you keep your yard looking beautiful.


Once a year, have an inspector come to check for any issues that need attention. This includes things like plumbing problems, electrical wiring, and rodent problems.

This document will help you prioritize your to-do list so you can take care of specific tasks without forgetting anything.

Congratulations once again on your new home! Following these guidelines ensures that your transition into your new (old) house is as smooth and stress-free as possible. Remember, it’s not about getting everything done all at once but about taking one step at a time and prioritizing tasks that ensure your safety and comfort. You are beginning a wonderful new chapter in your life, so take it slow, enjoy every moment, and transform this old house into your dream home.

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