Five Essential Things You Need to Do Before Moving Into Your New Home

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It’s finally happened. You’ve found the perfect home and are ready to take the plunge. But before you sign on the dotted line, there are a few things you need to do. These things can ensure that your home is fully ready for you and your family. Here are five essential steps to help your move go as smoothly as possible.

Check Security

Property crimes are increasing all over the country. More and more families are becoming victims of home invasions, burglaries, and theft. Before you move into your new home, it’s essential to check the security. Here are the most critical things you should check for:


A good lock is your first defense against crime, but most people don’t know whether their home’s locks will suffice. First, you need to have a mortise cylinder lock installed. This affordable but reliable type of lock will give your home the security it needs. You can also have a deadlock if you want double the protection.

Security Cameras

In today’s world, a security camera is an absolute must. With a security camera, you can monitor your home even when you’re not there. Many security cameras include doorbell cameras, nanny cams, and outdoor security cameras. The average cost of a security camera is about $200.

Home Alarm System

A home alarm system can be a great way to deter crime. Many home alarm systems will notify the police if there is an intruder. The average cost of a home alarm system is about $600.

Security should be your number one priority before moving in. So ensure that you have these things checked off your list before you make the final decision to move in.

Update Your Homeowner’s Insurance

Your homeowner’s insurance policy might need to be updated when you move. This is because your insurance company will need to know the value of your home and its contents. They will also need to know the address of your new home.

Make sure to contact your insurance company well in advance of your move so that you can update your policy.

a landlady and a couple

Check for Pests

Pests can infiltrate your new home during construction or when you’re just about to move in. You should look out for various pests, the most common being rats.


There is no other creative pests in the world than rats. There are millions of them, and they can squeeze through tiny spaces and are known to carry diseases. So if you see one in your new home, it’s best to call an exterminator immediately.


Cockroaches are another type of pest that can cause problems in your home. They’re known to spread disease and can be very difficult to eliminate once they’ve infested your home.


Termites can seriously damage your home if they’re not dealt with quickly. They can eat through wood, drywall, and even concrete. So if you see any termites in your new home, be sure to call an exterminator right away.

Pests can be a big problem in your new home. So before you move in, be sure to have your new place checked for pests.

Prepare Your Utilities

One of the most important things you need to do before moving into your new home is to set up your utilities. This includes electricity, water, gas, and sewage. First, you’ll need to contact the utility companies in your area and set up an account with them.

You’ll also need to pay a deposit for these services. The deposit amount will depend on the company and your credit history.

Moreover, you’ll need to decide which type of service you want. For example, do you want a standard or premium electricity plan? Utilities are an essential part of your new home. Be sure to set them up before you move in, so you’re not left in the dark.

Get to Know The Neighborhood

Lastly, you need to know your new neighborhood before moving in. This includes meeting your neighbors, learning the lay of the land, and familiarizing yourself with the local amenities.

You can attend community events, walk around the neighborhood, and talk to your real estate agent.

The main reason you want to do this is to familiarize yourself with the area and ensure it’s safe. However, you should also do this for security reasons.

These are just a few things you need to do before moving into your new home. By taking care of these things ahead of time, you can ensure that your move goes smoothly. You can also ensure that your new home is safe from these problems.

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