To Go or Not to Go: Is Post-pandemic Relocation Right for You?

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The housing industry was ablaze despite the economic meltdown in the past year. The mortgage rates and housing prices reached all-time lows. This allowed people to choose where to reside, including areas near their employment or educational institutions. Indeed, 2020 somewhat made everyone’s dream home possible and reachable with a significant price reduction and ready-to-sell properties.

If the lockdown, staying home, and work-from-home setup made you rethink life and pushed you to consider moving elsewhere, you aren’t alone. Many people took the plunge and made pretty quick decisions to purchase a new house and migrate to another location. Reports also suggest that the current global health crisis plays a significant role in influencing this decision. Over a quarter of Americans reported having moved back in with their families.

Moreover, according to recent reports, 80% of workers expressed their willingness to relocate, with 31% looking into moving outside the United States. This is most likely because individuals can better adjust to life under a health crisis in places where they can feel safer with fewer people and are surrounded by familiar faces. Others chose to do so for financial and health reasons.

So maybe you’re looking for a one-bedroom apartment to save more, scrolling down for a residential property abroad, or moving back in with your parents for social support. This may be the perfect time to weigh in factors and options and move those goals forward.

Consider Your “Why”

Like any other major life-changing decision, it’s vital to think about why you wish to relocate. This may involve your financial, life goals, professional objectives, or even starting your own family in a safe community.

On the other hand, it could be that the idea has been sitting at the back of your mind for a time now. The circumstances are merely what’s fuelling the desire to push forward with the plans. Whatever the case may be, you need to lay them all out and understand their importance and significant impact on your life.

Although there are many reasonable grounds, it is vital to keep in mind that everyone is at a strange time. Anything can happen at any moment. Therefore, your “why” should include your future.

Before deciding, take some time to focus on your motivations and determine what is driving you. For example, people frequently assume that moving to a new area will cure an issue they are experiencing. They then discover that the main issue was an internal one meant to be addressed and not run away from.

If the thought of turning a new leaf crossed your mind because of external influence or some trend, consider taking some time to let the feeling pass. You can revisit it after you have gained a fresh mindset. It could be just a spur-of-the-moment idea, and following it may only put you in a financial crisis and other problems that come with it.

Instead, consider going on a quick outdoor adventure or doing an activity you enjoy to take your mind off it and give you a fresh perception. It can be through fishing, camping, or inviting friends over for a quick backyard barbecue.

Of course, if you’re already contemplating a relocation for some time and the circumstances look right, it’s a positive indication to move forward with your plans.

Consider Your “How”


Many would frown upon impulsive decisions mainly because relocation requires extensive preparation, even in the pre-pandemic world. For instance, if you are currently employed and hope to keep your position after moving, you must explore alternatives before making a final decision.

In addition, consider how you will return to work when the pandemic is over. With the present situation of the labour market, your manager may be more receptive to your suggestions and concerns, so try to inquire as much as possible.

On the other hand, suppose you are planning on leaving everything behind for better pasture. In that case, think about how you can manage your finances while settling in the new place and new job. This will play a vital role in your personal and professional living adjustments.

Moving is a good thing. We gain new perspectives and even benefit our mental and financial health. However, such a situation can also be stressful. You need to make sure that you are moving with a specific goal to avoid regrets later on. Therefore, before finalising everything, make sure you have entirely laid out all of your options and reasons to enjoy your new life in a new place.

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